The Functional Nutrition Rx Way
The main force behind Functional Nutrition Rx is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term diet and nutrition goals. Whether you’re seeking help with weight loss, sports nutrition, or disease prevention, each client is individually evaluated and provided with a well-researched and comprehensive plan they can follow for the rest of their lives.
Supporting Your Success

We provide Cardiometabolic health management (Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Dyslipidemia ) with comprehensive plans that are catered to each individual’s needs. This specialized service puts individuals on the right track to healthy eating and living. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life with these great tools and techniques.
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is a dietary pattern recommended to improve cardiovascular health and manage hypertension. The diet emphasizes the intake of minimally-processed, blood pressure-lowering foods and nutrients, and limits the intake of foods and nutrients that may contribute to hypertension. We use these guidelines in cardiometabolic health management.
Our methods are centered around the concept that not one dietary approach should be seen as better or worse than others without being evaluated against your personal level of well-being. All dietary approaches are legitimate in balancing the mind and body. By keeping this in mind, we can naturally find healthy relationships with foods that will create an overall healthy lifestyle and not just a “diet”. With that being said, we focus on whole foods. We have found that once individuals remove artificial foods from their diet, they attain a taste for fresh whole foods and truly enjoy eating them!

Whether you are facing a new diagnosis that requires diet or lifestyle change, managing a chronic condition that has nutritional implications, or seeking to maintain good health through positive dietary choices, we can provide you with individualized dietary counseling to complement your medical treatment and optimize your health.
Sports Nutrition Education can be one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. We offer strategic tools and techniques to help clients achieve a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After several personalized sessions, you’ll become well-versed at making the best food-related decisions for your health needs. Don’t wait to schedule your session today.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.